Why Does My Floss Smell Bad?
Lets Talk About Floss
We have all had that moment when we finally decide to listen to our dentist, dig out the floss and get to work. However, when performing this seemingly benign task we discover an offensive odor. So, what’s going on here, and is this normal? Well, it’s not normal, but it’s very common. Professionally speaking, there’s not a person on the planet who hasn’t experienced this at some point.
If the floss smells bad, it means that food particles, usually meat, or some other fibrous organic material is trapped between teeth or below the gum line . It’s been allowed to sit in this space for 24 plus hours and is rotting. What you’re smelling is a sulfur gas produced by this rotting process. Bacteria eat’s the food, and then produces toxins and sulfur gas.
Now here is the bad part
If you detect unpleasant smells it also means bacteria have caused an inflammation of the gums which then allows bacteria to enter your bloodstream. This is very bad for your heart, brain, and lungs. Research now shows a strong relationship between oral hygiene and diseases of the body. Gums that bleed or an offensive odor is your body’s way of saying “ A Little Help Please”. If your going to the gym, eating clean and doing all the things that go with healthy living, allowing gum disease to persist is like trying to swim across the English Channel with a 50lb weight. Oral bacteria will stresses the body which reduces performance and your ability to fight disease.
OK, so now you know why the floss smells; but what do you do about it? Well, plain and simply you must floss, preferably daily, but every third day at a minimum. While flossing can be a pain, maintaining clean teeth reduces bacteria, as well as bad breath and a host of other unsavory side effects.
Ready To Floss For Real?
OK, those little wishbone floss thingies that come in a pack of 50…throw them away. You’re using the same piece of floss so what you’re really doing is transferring bacteria from one place to another. It’s like a hard-bristled toothbrush; they make them because people buy them, but it’s not the way to go and you’d be hard pressed to find a dental professional that recommends them.
To eliminate bad breath and prevent gingivitis, do this just before bedtime:
Brush your teeth.
The type of toothpaste you use is irrelevant but how you brush is critical. MD Brush or GRIPPI toothbrushes are specifically designed to target the areas below the gum line and break the cycle of mediocre brushing. You should ONLY brush in circles if advised to do so by your dentist which they will do if you have gum recession from brushing too hard.
Remember you’re trying to scrape the plaque off the sides of the teeth, so make sure to pull and push against the teeth as you slide the floss down in-between.
Brush with mouthwash
But this time instead of using toothpaste, use Listerine mouthwash. You’ll be brushing with a liquid so it will be running down your arm and making a mess. Once you spit, don’t rinse the mouthwash out. It will continue to kill bacteria for up to 5 hours provided you don’t rinse or drink anything. Don’t relax though, the bacteria will be back in 72 hours.